Welcome, We all set out on the journey of life from the same starting point. We try to navigate our way through the roads and pathways to find what we are looking for.
We are usually searching for happiness. Unfortunately we sometimes lose our way and the road turns into a lonely dark place.
Whether you’re stuck in the woods of anxiety, depression, complex trauma, relationship concerns, Aspergers, or other concerns it is possible to get out of the dark places and back into the sun. I know it feels daunting now, but that is why you are here.
Here at Maureen McFarlane Counselling, Maureen will work to help you develop the mind set you need to get back on the path that leads to happiness and success. Together, we will work to address the issues you are facing and come through on the other side with a new way of being in this world, and confidently take the direction in life you want.
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